Latest Message: 1 month, 1 week ago
I remember playing vertrix 3 in fourth grade. i love how surreal the graphics now.
Still the best 1v1 match 3 game in my opinion. It ages well! We need a Vertrix 4 for the phone!
Thank you for this amazing game. I used to play this with my brother all the time!!
20 years later, never forget ♥
Vertix 4 multiplatform and online plz
Julio Prado:
I've been playing since vertrix 2 back in the 2000's. still playing today every now and then =)
I played this game when I was a little kid, around 2001... loved this game and its music was stuck in my head until today, in 2024... I'm instralling it again after 23 years!
This game is incredible, I played it for hours as a child. It deserves a revival.
Please launch Vertrix on Steam, with multiplayer support, please
Nice english
Written by denis
Sunday, 05 June 2011 14:27 |
Cédric has just released a new track. The June 2011 offering is called "Metamorphosis" and can be found as usual in the Music section. |
Written by denis
Thursday, 24 February 2011 19:35 |
Those of us who enjoy the Vertrix 3 soundtrack will be pleased to know that cédric has released his first track for 2011. As always, it is a free MP3 download and is waiting for you in the Music section. |
Written by denis
Saturday, 19 June 2010 23:37 |
Head over to the Music Section to check out and download "Quest", a new track from cédric.
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